Marijuana Smoke

Protection from Harm

Smoke is smoke. When you burn something, it releases dangerous chemicals and marijuana is no different.  Secondhand marijuana smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing substances and toxic chemicals as secondhand tobacco smoke.  Some of the known carcinogens or toxins present in marijuana smoke include: acetaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, chromium, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, lead, mercury, and nickel (1).

Marijuana can be consumed in a solid, liquid or semi-solid (wax) forms. Marijuana is smoked using pipes, bongs, paper-wrapped joints, blunts and other devices including those that heat or vaporize marijuana. Marijuana can also be consumed through dozens of different products including e-cigarettes, candy, brownies and other baked goods, capsules, beverages and many more (2).

Important First Step

Knowing the dangers of marijuana smoke is an important first step to helping protect yourself and your children from the harmful effects.  As with any other secondhand smoke, the toxic substances and carcinogens can easily be inhaled by children even when they aren’t smoking.

Take ONE Step to Protect Loved Ones from Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Exposure

Knowing and understanding the dangers will help you create safe breathing environments as well as inform other parents of the risks, myths, and preventive measures regarding secondhand smoke and aerosols.


If you're ready to change your tobacco use, check out these support resources

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Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Facts

As with any other type of secondhand smoke, the toxic substances and carcinogens in marijuana secondhand smoke can easily be inhaled by children who are present or frequent the areas where smoking takes place.

Be ONE Step closer to protecting kids from secondhand smoke exposure

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  1. Moir, D., et al., A comparison of mainstream and sidestream marijuana and tobacco cigarette smoke produced under two machine smoking conditions. Chem Res Toxicol 21: 494-502. (2008).
  2. American Lung Association “Marijuana and Lung Health.”  Retrieved from: