Holiday Scents, Asthma, and Lung Health

Posted on: December 4th, 2024 by

‘Tis the season to deck the halls. From garlands to Menorahs to festive lights, the holiday season is filled with things to help the cold, dark winter days seem a little brighter. For people living with asthma and other lung diseases the holidays can also mean more frequent asthma flare-ups or attacks. As we enter this merry time of year, here are some of these holiday-related asthma triggers to be aware of and some practical solutions to keep you safe.

Holly-Jolly Scents

Opt for natural aromas or scents that come from baking or cooking. If you love the scent of cinnamon in the holiday season you can also try creating hot apple cider in a slow cooker with whole cider, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and nutmeg. Avoid cinnamon brooms, scented candles, air fresheners, pinecones, etc. which can make it hard for someone with asthma and other lung diseases to breath.

If you enjoy the ambiance candles create, use non-scented or even battery-operated flameless candles.

O’ Christmas Tree and Tree Decorations

Both real and artificial Christmas trees can be problematic for people with asthma. Live trees can bring in allergy and asthma triggers such as mold and pollen. The strong smell of pine itself can trigger asthma symptoms. Additionally, artificial trees can carry dust and mold from improper storage.

If you plan to have a live tree at home, make sure to shake it out before bringing it inside. You can also spray it down with a hose and let it dry before setting it up inside. Once it has been placed inside, change the water in the tree stand frequently to keep mold from growing.

For an artificial tree, it is best to clean it thoroughly before adding the rest of your decorations. Pick an artificial tree without false snow/frost on the branches, as this also can an asthma trigger. When the holidays are over, store the artificial tree in a clean, dry place.

After cleaning your tree, make sure to clean the other decorations too. When putting them away at the end of the season, store decorations in plastic bins rather than in cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes are a place where mold can grow and where pests like to be.

Home for the Holidays

The holidays bring the biggest travel days of the year. Holiday travel can mean sitting in close quarters with people wearing perfume or cologne, which can cause someone to feel their asthma symptoms. If you are traveling this year, make sure to prepare – pack your inhaler with refills and a spacer in an easy to reach place.

Traveling can also mean finding asthma triggers inside a family’s or friend’s home. If you are staying in a home with asthma triggers like pets or commercial tobacco smoke, make sure to communicate your needs ahead of time. You may need to ask if pets can stay in another part of the house while you are there. You should also talk to your doctor before you go, if you think you may need to pre-treat your asthma.

If a friend or family member uses commercial tobacco products or e-cigarettes, ask them to smoke or use those products outside away from doors and windows, and especially away from adults, children, and pets.

If you are traveling away from your own pets for an extended period during the holiday season, be prepared for the “Thanksgiving Effect.” According to the American Academy of Asthma Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI), this occurs when you are away from your pets for a few days, and your body “forgets” their specific dander. This can cause you to have asthma symptoms when you see your pets again.

Besides pets, wood burning fireplaces can be big asthma problem. Do your best to talk and sit away from wood fires or ask your hosts or family not burn fires, if possible.

Make sure to have your asthma action plan updated to help you and those around you know how to treat early warning signs and take care of symptoms if they get worse. Assess and track your asthma symptoms to keep your asthma under control and ensure a safe and happy holiday season!


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